Our Top 5 iMovie Editing Tips for Online Teacher
Are you often stuck in front of your computer, spending hours tinkering with iMovie, striving to enhance the professional appearance and sound quality of your video, all while eager to get it published as quickly as possible?
In this article, we will share the top 5 tips to help you make the most out of iMovie, engage your students better, build a stronger brand, and ultimately grow your online teaching business.
How to Compress Your Yoga Videos (and Why You Need to!)
Remember buffering? That seemingly endless state of early-Internet limbo that occurred when you tried to load a beefy video or animated graphic? With today’s lightning-fast fiber optic connections, buffering has (thankfully) become a thing of the past. But those same lightning-fast connections have shifted expectations: If your video takes too long to load, viewers lose interest and click away.
Which is why it’s crucial that you learn to optimize your online video files for fast, easy viewing. They need to load quickly, run smoothly, and look fabulous in every frame! Learning to compress your videos the right way will ensure that your content is viewed and enjoyed. And since the Namastream team wants your content to draw as many eager views as possible, we put together this video compression primer to help you puzzle out the basics.