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Should Your Yoga Membership Always Be Open?

Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

The Digital Artisan: A Manifesto for Crafting A New World

We love the maker movement. Artisans have captured our hearts and appeal to the most curious, soulful, and earnest parts of ourselves.

But...there’s no reason that we, as online makers, cannot incorporate the same elements into our own businesses. The Internet is the greatest opportunity we’ve ever known, but when used mindlessly (or maliciously) it can be the most dangerous creation in human history. Digital artisanship, this idea of taking the standards and principles of the offline artisan revival onto the Internet, recalibrates us to both leverage our strengths and to recognize what truly matters. Digital artisanship is the marriage of financial sustainability, the ability to grow an idea at scale, and soul-deep satisfaction.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

How to Transition Your Private Coaching into an Online Offering

As an online coach or teacher, you undoubtedly recognize the importance of crafting stellar, visually appealing, strategic video content. And you’re absolutely right; the quality of your videos directly impacts your reputation and brand.

But what you might not realize is that some of your video content can (and even should) be casual and off-the-cuff. That’s right, it’s perfectly fine to mix gorgeously-lit and meticulously scripted content with improvised, heartfelt live lessons. In fact, live-streaming tools like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, and Periscope have liberated us from releasing ONLY near-perfect video content. Students and followers have learned to love our messy live broadcasts as much as our refined, pre-recorded ones.

What does this mean for you as a coach? That you should start offering live-streamed sessions this instant! As soon as you give your clients the option to engage with you one-on-one via a live-stream, you can increase your revenue and simplify your work day. Many teachers and coaches overlook this option, and we aim to change that. Incorporating this medium into your existing business model offers you a new and easy path to cash.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

Why You Should Think Twice About Hiring a Virtual Assistant if You’re a Solopreneur

At the start of our entrepreneurial journey, we bought into the hype, hired out dozens of tasks, and assumed we were on the right track. But recently, we’ve streamlined our team and taken over jobs that were once delegated to virtual assistants, team members, and agencies, and it has been THE VERY BEST decision we could have made for our business.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

Should You Offer a Membership or an Online Course?

When you’re creating a new online offering, it’s awfully tempting to stick to a format you know well and try to wedge your content into it.

But that can lead to watering down your best ideas, or presenting them in a way that feels awkward or unnatural to your community. You’re be better off by focusing on the end-goal: What do you want this content to accomplish? What should it DO for your clients? Those questions should guide your product design choices, even if they drive you toward a delivery setup that’s a tiny bit outside your comfort zone.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

How to Use Royalty Free Music in Your Online Yoga Videos

Music is an integral part of many wellness classes, and can be especially important to online instruction.

The right playlist adds depth and personality to a yoga video, helping set the tone for the class and creating a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere for the student. But music use can be tricky. Especially if you want it to be fully legal (which, of course, you do!)Playing music during a live or recorded class is considered to be a “performance,” which means if you do it without the proper licenses in place, you can get slapped with hefty fines! It’s easy to think that, as a small studio or single teacher, you might be able to fly under the radar.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

How Pinterest Can Help Grow Your Wellness Business

It’s easy to overlook Pinterest. This visually-driven medium is no longer the new kid on the block, and some of it’s buzz has been stolen by trendier social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. But Pinterest is holding steady in the market with nearly as many users as Instagram, and has several important advantages over competitors:

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

7 Techniques to Build Your Email List

We’re sharing seven specific tactics that can help you grow your list. These are ideas that you can use right way and we’ve seen success with these strategies both in our own businesses, as well as with our online teachers. As always, choose which strategies resonate with you and your business, and leave the others alone (at least, for now).

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