The Wellness Creator Hub

Tools and Tech, Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Tools and Tech, Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

25 Things You Need to Know Before Launching Your Next Online Course

Have you tried to launch an online class or program? Is teaching a course online uncharted territory for you? Even for those of you that that have already launched an online course or membership program, you know just how difficult it can be and how much work goes into a launch. We know, we have been there more than once….

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

How to Avoid Overwhelm When Launching Your Online Teaching Business

Launching an online teaching business comes with its challenges, including overwhelming stress. But with the right strategies, you can manage overwhelm effectively. Prioritize stress-management from the beginning, delegate tasks, and embrace productivity tools. Create structured schedules, declutter your physical and digital spaces, and practice self-care. Shift your mindset, establish boundaries, and seek support from like-minded individuals. By implementing these practices, you can navigate the journey of building your online teaching business with confidence and achieve sustainable success.

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Tools and Tech Jennifer Barcelos Tools and Tech Jennifer Barcelos

Crafting Effective Facebook Ads for Your Online Business

Quick dose of brutal honesty: It takes time, skill, and a healthy dose of trial-and-error to create Facebook ads that deliver the absolute best results for your unique wellness business. In this post, we’ll give you an overview of some important basics and a few strategies to try, basically a very solid jumping-off point. BUT you’ll need to be patient and persistent as you fine-tune your execution. We can’t promise you’ll be a Facebook ads guru after this one read, but we’ll definitely teach you how to build meaningful ads that support your products, programs, or services.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

6 Reasons Online Teaching is For You

We get it: Yoga involves some intimate work and may seem like an odd fit for the seemingly sterile world of online teaching. Wellness coaching can be incredibly personal, and translating it into a webinar may feel like a stretch. Many aspects of learning within the health and wellness realm may not seem to lend themselves naturally to online classroom spaces.

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